

A Teacher for All Seasons
A teacher is like Spring,
Who nurtures new green sprouts,
Encourages and leads them,
Whenever they have doubts.

A teacher is like Summer,
Whose sunny temperament
Makes studying a pleasure,
Preventing discontent.

A teacher is like Fall,
With methods crisp and clear,
Lessons of bright colors
And a happy atmosphere.

A teacher is like Winter,
While it’s snowing hard outside,
Keeping students comfortable,
As a warm and helpful guide.

Teacher, you do all these things,
With a pleasant attitude;
You’re a teacher for all seasons,
And you have our gratitude!
By Joanna Fuchs

Ja, varför skall man uppfinna hjulet igen och ibland låter det faktiskt bättre på engelska. Denna dikt pryder nu insidan på fröknarnas kort som de får ihop med julpresenten imorgon. Givetvis med ett personligt tack och med en önskan om God Jul och Gott Nytt År!

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